2008年6月30日 星期一

Gao Zeng or Gt or the being?

‘They are everywhere.’

I shook my head, ‘You see, it has to be everyone being a secret agent in order to make them everywhere. Not everyone is interested in spying on others.’

‘There was a time when most of the people spy on others, even within the family.’

I stared at him, ‘You have that experience?’

‘No. But my ancestors did.’ Lu looked around, ‘I guess you’re the man.’

This again frustrated me. ‘I am? Who is me then.’

‘Gao Zeng, alias Gt, the one who wrote, or is still writing about the lotus robot.’

Curious as I am, I asked cautiously, ‘Where do you know about my book, from the website or the blog?’

Lu’s answer stunned me, ‘From someone who will come back to me from the future, and he had.’ He paused, trying to make me believe, ‘I was visited by this being, I don’t know whether it’s a he or she, and then I was told about the possibility of an infant robot.’

‘Wait,’ I waved him to stop, ‘this is my plot. How come you know it?’

Lu seemed angered, 'I just told you about the sixth mascot and you said that's your plot...'

Then it suddenly dawned to him, and he tried to verify something, 'you know that being?'

I tried to figure out the causal relationship before answering.