2008年8月26日 星期二

is the idea lives through me, that I am being exploited?

I drew some bubbles, mapped them to a lake shore. Trying to link them up into some kind of imagery, and from that I may get inspired. Added some more bubbles and colour, and then realized it was not appealing. I did not have a visual image.

How long can it take for an idea to go from ideation to being tangible on a picture? The visual is for other people to recognize. Being recognizable is a kind of materialization, subject to copyright. Maybe not rights, the tangible may not be an optimal version of an idea.

Let’s go back to the mind. I can comprehend its possibility, such that I thought I created an idea, dragging it through the process of materialization. Or is it that the idea lives through my imagination, living through me? Am I being exploited then? I feel bewildered.

Vehicle and the signified. At night before I sleep, I try to think about this for a while. Would that make me a scientist or philosopher? Just for thinking, and value can be there. It’s just a human being, living. If the idea is thus formed, then thinking is really enough to be a human.

But I was told, LSP is not what I can work out its details. Someone would, and someone would post it somewhere one day so that all the people on earth can get the full protocol and if they have the resources, they can each generate endless energy. But not me, not the present me.